Hi Penguins!
April Fools Day is right around the corner, and so is the April Fools Day Party on CP! As always, it's a silly party where anything can happen! I even hear that there's new special rooms just for the party! I'll make a post and make a screenshot or video of the party!
Until then... Waddle On!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
April Fools Day So Close!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Trading Cards and Game Updates!
Hello Penguins!
The team's really excited to let you know that there will be a new set of Puffle Trading Cards coming sometime in April!! Just like the last set, you'll be able to play at home with your friends, and you'll also be able to enter unique codes in Club Penguin to build up your Card-Jitsu™ deck online!
The team always loves to hear your feedback about the Club Penguin toys. We're busy working on ideas for new trading cards - and we really want to hear your ideas!! What kinds of things would you like to see?
In Other News: You've been asking, so we wanted to give you some great news about the Club Penguin DS Game which is now available (in English) in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland! It'll be available in several places including Top Toys and Elgiganten. We're still working on getting it into Australia, and we'll let you know when we have more details.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
OMG Finally!!!
Actually, we still are clueless as to why our banner didn't upload correctly in the first place. We suspected that it might have been too large, but I finally put my foot down and made a whole new one, which thankfully fit after a few minor tweaks to the HTML.
Anyways, thank you to all those who helped us understand our dilemma!
Until then...Waddle on!
pinbin027987: Put your foot down? You were sitting on your chair the whole time!
But, I agree... it was rough.
Fixing The Image... [Fixed!]
As Aurian said, we're having some technical difficulties. We're fixing this problem and we hope to get it back up soon! Please tell us if you see it!

Until then... Waddle On!
Sorry [The Banner is Fixed]
Until then...Waddle on!
G and the Penguin Band
Check out these pics.

Looks like we're going to be seeing a lot the next few weeks!
Until then...Waddle on!
New Catalogs
There is a new Ninja Catalog out. Here are the new pages:

Also, the Club Penguin staff added separate mini catalogs in different locations such as the Cove, Dock, and Ski Lodge. The mini catalogs are known as "Game Upgrades", as the CP Team calls them. They include items used for games such as new surf boards and fishing gear. For example:

Until then...Waddle on!
P.S. - I'll be making some new posts soon, regarding the Penguin Band and the new Pin.
pinbin027987: Nice job Aurian! Keep up the good work!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Until then...Waddle on!
P.S. - I was the one who made the awesome banner at the top! Hopefully we'll send more cool graphics your way.
Special Stage Announcement!
We've been hearing from many of you about the Penguin Play Awards - how awesome you think the Backstage is and how cool it's been to meet some of your favorite penguin characters like Aunt Arctic and Cadence. The team really loves all the feedback you give.
We've also heard that you'd like to enjoy the Stage with more friends, so I'm excited to let you know that starting tomorrow, everyone will be able to check out what's going on in the Stage!
Everyone will be able to enter the Stage but the VIP backstage area where you can pick up your award and hang out with special guests will remain exclusive for members. For those of you planning to go to the Penguin Play Awards this weekend, I just heard there might be surprise visits from MORE special guests in the Backstage!!
We can't wait to hear what you think.
Until then...Waddle on!
P.S. The Penguin Band might come!
New Catalogs Coming Friday!
Hello Penguins!
On Friday, you'll see some new things in the Snow and Sports catalog, and for those of you who know the ways of the Club Penguin ninja, the Martial Artworks catalog (in the Dojo Hideout) will also be updated!
In other news: We'd love to know if you're enjoying the Penguin Play Awards - Let us know all the creative things that you and your friends are doing at the Stage!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Featured Penguin: Cadence
This week's featured penguin is DJ Cadence. Cadence is a Peach-colored penguin. She wears a Purple and Pink wig. With Lime green headphones and a Pink and Cream colored scarf.

DJ Cadence's first appearance was at the Members only, Waddle On, Dance-a-thon! If you met her, she would give out a background. Like so:

Hope you enjoy the blog!
Waddle On!

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Featured Penguin: Aunt Arctic
pinbin027987 here! Here's a featured penguin: Aunt Arctic!
Aunt Arctic is the penguin running the advice column in The Penguin Times. In this week's article, Aunt Arctic said
" I've heard all about the Penguin Play Awards and I must say if there was ever an event to leave the office for, that might be it. If I have time, I'll do my best to check it out and say hello to penguins like you."
When I met her I asked her "What's your favorite part about the Penguin Play Awards?" She responded something like "Voting for my favorite play and meet all of you wonderful penguins!"
This is the background Aunt Arctic gives you when you meet her:

You can meet the DJ named Cadence (K-Dance is what she likes to be called) from the Member Dance-a-Thon!
More details later.
Waddle On!

April Fools Party Sneak Peek!
Talk about an island packed with excitement! Not only are the Penguin Play Awards in full swing, but you might want to waddle around to check out the incredible art that penguins submitted and that snow artists have made into sculptures.
Even with all that's happening, I still wanted to give you a sneak peek of more fun that's coming to Club Penguin on April 1! Here's a first look at a very silly party that's coming up:
Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Cadence and Aunt Arctic Spotted!
I spotted Aunt Arctic and Cadence at the new Penguin Play Awards on Clubpenguin!
Here's Aunt Arctic:
Here's Cadence at the Backstage:
Here's Cadence at the Stage:
More updates on the site are coming later!