The Easter Egg Hunt on Clubpenguin is here! Now you can find the Easter eggs and claim a bunny hood! This year's bunny hood is the pink one. The same color as the first egg hunt!
Here's all of the egg locations! Good luck finding them all!

Hint: To find this egg
Just take a glance,
At the building
Where you'd go to
Location: Night Club
Directions: Click on the floodlight on the right, and the egg will pop out.

Hint: You'll find this egg
Spends it's day,
Floating on the waves
Where penguins play
Location: Cove
Directions: By the rocks and above the cove catalog, the egg floats in the water. Just click it to collect it.

Egg that is
In the mood,
To be a cavern
Surfer dude
Location: Mine
Directions: Hover your mouse over the cart surfer carts, and one of them will roll in on the track, carrying the egg.

made it's home,
Near two great
Puffles made
Of stone
Location: Dojo Courtyard
Directions: Click on the red paper lantern on the right of the entrance door.

Egg has sat,
Snug underneath a
Warm fuzzy hat
Location: Gift Shop
Directions: On the display of hats and coats and other items, a furry gray hat covers the egg. Click on it and it will rise to reveal it.

A comfy space,
This egg's in a fishy
Location: Ski Lodge
Directions: Hover your mouse over the cooler by the door that leads to the Ice Fishing game. The fish will appear inside of it along with the egg.

Your collections,
Find a sign that
Gives directions
Location: Ski Mountain
Directions: Click on the pole in the middle of the mountain that has signs that points to the slopes. The egg will pop out on the top.

In a guiding light,
You can't find it if
It's too bright
Location: Light House Beacon
Directions: Where the big light is, you will see an on and off switch. Click on the lever to turn it off, and when the light shuts off the egg is revealed.
Well there's the egg locations! Sorry about not posting for a while... I got a bit lazy with my work. Well, if you have any questions then comment!
Until then... Waddle On!
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